The philosophical idea of “knowing oneself” has been with us for millennia. The ancient Greek playwright Aeschylus, the philosopher Socrates and his pupil Plato, all grappled with the concept. The basic tenet is with us in today’s world and even into the future (as envisaged in The Matrix )
Knowing oneself is central to our being as without knowing ourself nor being true to ourself, then who are we? I have a tattoo on the same, this to remind myself that it is only I that knows my truth, and that I must live to it rather than be someone who I am not. The reason being, the key to finding a purpose and fulfillment in life begins with knowing and understanding oneself. We are each born with this knowledge but finding a purpose and achieving fulfillment requires the sharing of knowledge, wisdom, and support. Each individual contains specific truths that should be shared with those we meet through nothing less than fate. I have tried to capture this in my poem - Temet Nosce
Know oneself
Be yourself
Don’t be afraid of what others think of who
Or what you are
No one has your back but you
Everyone else has their own shit to deal with
To make it through the day
Enough to sort their own life
Their challenges
Their troubles
You are the last man in your garrison
Manning the barricades as the hordes advance
Surviving to the last bullet
Only you can know what is in your head and heart
It is your nature and nurture
Your life experience
And it will be your death
It will be your life that flashes though your mind
As you pass from this life to the other
It will be your reality
Your experiences
Your friends and enemies
Parents and children
It is only you that lives your life
So, fuck anyone who tries to control you
To circumnavigate and bastardise.
They know nothing of where you have come from or going to
They are part of your present
Maybe also your past
Maybe your future
But the now is the now
So live for it
Be yourself
Do the unexpected
Rejoice in the irrational
The dangerous
As you will not get another chance
When the pearly or fiery gates come into view
Think of what you have done
And who you did it with
Do not have regrets
Accept mistakes and fuck ups
This is the only way to be
To live
To love life as much as you should love yourself
Be with those who understand you
Respect you
Love you
and you them,
along for the ride…
but remember,
your life is your adventure
as much as their have their own
they just one part of it